Most Americans want to “Soak the Rich.” This is no Joke!

April Fools Story – Not so farfetched?

How High Can We Get on Stimulus?

Expect The Best, Prepare for The Worst

The Current Income Investing Dilemma

Election Induced Fear and Market Volatility

Politics and Populism in 2020: How Will This Impact the Markets?

What Can Nature Teach Us About the Markets

“A long summer always meant a long winter to come.” – George R. R. Martin The daffodils started blooming early this year. It was unseasonably warm, and I rushed out to take pictures before the inevitable cold snap took out the blooms. It was a flash of color against an otherwise colorless backdrop and an early preview […]
Why Isn’t Winning More Fun?

“We don’t have to be smarter than the rest; we have to be more disciplined than the rest.” -Warren Buffett Being a sports fan, I like many others, have been starved for the excitement of watching champions at work: Watching a crushing hit, a spectacular goal or an amazing play that many others may not […]
Discovering My Purpose

Like many others, we are looking forward to being able to worship again with our Church family. We have learned to stream the services over the last few weeks. My family may not be paying as much attention at home, but Jennifer and I have been blessed by the services nonetheless. Yesterday’s message caused me […]