But I’ve Only Owned it a Month!

They are one of the worst aspects of owning mutual funds.  Capital gains taxes on funds are charged typically in December, regardless of how long you’ve owned the fund or how much you’ve made over time. Funds might sell appreciated securities for a variety of reasons. Perhaps a stock hit management’s sell target–even in a […]

Secrecy or Transparency? – That is the Question

In reading through Trusts and Estates Magazine online, I came across two sets of opinions regarding what parents should tell their adult children with regards to family finances and estate plans.   With our young children, we have not had these conversations yet but plan to do so after they start learning how to manage their […]

Large Tax Hits from Mutual Funds?

Mutual Fund Capital Gains Distributions They show up like uninvited guests, usually in early or mid – December and eat up our profits. They are one of the worst aspects of owning mutual funds. Funds might sell appreciated securities for a variety of reasons. Perhaps a stock hit management’s sell target–not out of the question, […]

Scarcity and Opportunity

If you play fantasy football, you probably understand the economic principle of scarcity. Generally, there are a limited number of draft picks participants can use to maximize the talent on their teams. So, it’s essential to know which positions and players offer the greatest value. If there are a lot of great quarterbacks and defenses […]

Attorneys Win: Inherited IRAs Lose Protection

Last Thursday in our Inherited IRA Workshop we discussed how the Supreme Court has determined that some retirement accounts should no longer be considered retirement accounts. In June, a ruling written by Judge Sonia Sotomayor determined that Heidi Heffron-Clark, who inherited an IRA from her mother in 2001 and filed for bankruptcy nine years later, could not shield […]