Get Rich Quick or Lose Your Shirt with Program Trading?

Elections, Wars and Rumors of Wars

How the Midterm Election May Impact Inflation and Interest Rates

Celebrating a Turnaround

Warren Buffett’s Predictions

More on Toilet Paper, Milk and Skinny Cows

Lessons from Toilet Paper Mania

Protecting Identity and Assets

A few years back one of our California clients experienced a data breach at their local bank and became increasingly concerned about making sure their assets were protected from potential identity thieves. These particular clients have English accents and it would be hard to impersonate one of them on the phone, but in any event […]
Turning Death, Divorce, and Multiple Lawsuits … Into a Positive Experience

Eight years ago this weekend my father passed away in a horrible car crash. My brother Tim and I worked diligently to settle items in the estate, closing down a plastic surgery practice, dealing with fallout from various business interests, winding up the domestic relations order from his recent divorce and working through the probate […]
Memorial Day – Remembering the Ultimate Sacrifice

Five of Chattanooga’s own gave their lives last year for their country and our community. Memorial Day is a time to recognize those who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom. It’s one of the few federal holidays that everyone is in agreement on: a day set aside to honor the military men and […]