Happy, Healthy & Financially Wise

“Every single relationship, business and educational outcome improves when the brain is positive first. If you cultivate happiness while in the midst of your struggles, work, at school, while unemployed or single, you increase your chances of attaining all the goals you are pursuing, including happiness.”  – Shawn Achor When it rains, it pours! Especially […]

Who NOT How

Monday, I spent the day with a select group of top-notch entrepreneurs in Toronto Canada sharpening the saw, refining our purpose and improving our businesses. One of the key concepts we continued to focus on was “Who, not How!”. When most entrepreneurs (including me) face a challenge, our first reaction is to ask: “How do […]

What Christmas Means for Us

For our kids Christmas is a time to eat lots of sweets, decorate the tree and  eagerly await the day when they can receive the presents they most dearly desire.  Each year brings new joys and different experiences. Last year, Sydney developed a crisis of confidence with regard to her belief in Santa Claus.  We […]

Proud to be an American

Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all, By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall;  In so righteous a cause let us hope to succeed,          For heaven approves of each generous deed.                                                                 John Dickenson This past weekend, Jennifer and I made the pilgrimage to Bristol to see the Volunteers play against the Hokies in […]