The Joy of Christmas at our Home

Christmas for our kids has changed a little bit over the years.  It’s still time to decorate the house and the tree, eat lots of cookies & sweets and spend time with loved ones.  We are enjoying seeing them grow up, but we don’t want it to be too quickly.  We still want to cherish […]

The Power of Thanksgiving

I am continually impressed with how powerful Thanksgiving can be.   Below are just a few things I am personally thankful for:   I’m thankful for my family because they support me no matter where I am in my journey and I know they will always have my back. I’m thankful for our clients because they give our work meaning.  There is no better feeling than […]

Never Buy This in December

It seems that every year in December we get a multitude of calls from clients regarding a pretty common occurrence for certain types of investments.This month, most pooled investments pay out their capital gains to shareholders and the value of the associated account falls for a few days until the money is reinvested or paid […]

What Christmas Means for Us

For our kids Christmas is a time to eat lots of sweets, decorate the tree and  eagerly await the day when they can receive the presents they most dearly desire.  Each year brings new joys and different experiences. Last year, Sydney developed a crisis of confidence with regard to her belief in Santa Claus.  We […]