Embrace the Red Wave or Go to Cash?
Fake Figures – What Government Data Can We Trust?
Year End Market Rotation / Tax Law Changes
Webinar with Joe Franklin: Election & Economy – The Battle Between Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Dave Ramsey’s Craziness Makes Retirees GO BROKE
Why Can’t Warren Buffett Find Anything to Buy?
Fitch Ratings Cut Sparks Bond Market Selloff
Elections, Wars and Rumors of Wars
Lost in a Foreign Land
What Do the Beatles Have to Do with Any of This? Imagine you are arriving in a new country where you do not know the language. You wander around the airport for nearly an hour trying to find the best way to the central train station. A nice person informs you there is a small […]
Reach Out and Touch Someone
Nothing Can Replace Meeting Face to Face Growing up in the 1970s and 1980s, I remember the old commercials that promoted keeping up with family and other loved ones. The commercials were designed to inspire us to grow closer together through the use of the telephone. When my grandparents were still living, we would talk […]