The Do’s and Don’ts of Owning Employer Stock

Owning stock in the company you work for, can give you a feeling of ownership and “skin in the game” when it comes to delivering results to the bottom line.  For some, it has also been an effective way to accumulate personal wealth and a larger retirement nest egg.   While there are some pluses to […]

Is Warren Buffett Giving Contradictory Advice?

A Discussion of Passive vs. Active Warren Buffett is widely acknowledged as the greatest investor alive today.  Last year he was ranked the third wealthiest person in the world, down from number one a few years back.  Despite his roots as a value investor whose favorite holding period is forever, in recent years he has been […]

Is Warren Buffett Giving Contradictory Advice?

A Discussion of Passive vs. Active Warren Buffett is widely acknowledged as the greatest investor alive today.  Last year he was ranked the third wealthiest person in the world, down from number one a few years back.  Despite his roots as a value investor whose favorite holding period is forever, in recent years he has […]

Which One Are You: #1 or #2?

“Forecasting is difficult because we don’t know what is going to happen in the future”  – Yogi Berra It’s interesting how people tend to extrapolate into the future.  They erroneously assume that what has happened recently will continue at the same pace for the foresee-able future.  It is a behavioral trait that many exhibit that […]

Got Milk?

**Since yesterday was a big down day in the market, I’ve got a quick thought at the end of this blog. Once upon a time in the country there worked a dairy farmer who was having trouble getting his cows to produce milk.  They seemed well fed but as the cows grew fatter and fatter, […]

Buybacks for Better Returns

Have you ever watched Family Feud?   Perhaps you were a child when Richard Dawson hosted the game show or maybe you enjoy the current version. No matter, take a moment and: • Name a three-letter word that ends in –ow • Name a chess piece • Name a one-word color for a pair of socks • Name how […]

Scarcity and Opportunity

If you play fantasy football, you probably understand the economic principle of scarcity. Generally, there are a limited number of draft picks participants can use to maximize the talent on their teams. So, it’s essential to know which positions and players offer the greatest value. If there are a lot of great quarterbacks and defenses […]

Lessons from Papa John

“Papa John” with our middle son Jack at the Lookouts in 2008. Yesterday, the family took the boat out and about for Father’s Day.  The lake was relatively uncrowded because many of the weekend boaters had headed down the river to see the fireworks at River Bend.  It was nice not having to compete with […]

Waiting for the Fat Pitch – Your Investment Strike Zone

As baseball season arrives and my umpiring schedule is already starting to be booked with games, I thought it would be fun to illustrate how the game of baseball can be used in relation to investing. For example, when I’m behind the plate calling pitches, I’m looking for several pieces of information to help me […]